{ Collages }

In Dark Trees, 2009

inkjet on paper, 780 x 590cm.
Digital source: 49961 x 37795 pixels, psd-file


Bruegelland/Hoge Horizon, Stedelijk Museum Wuyts-Van Campen en Baron Caroly/Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten Antwerpen (KMSKA), 2015
Monumentalism, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, 2010
Uitval uit een, De Vleeshal, Middelburg, 2009

In Dark Trees, 2009

collage, newspapers, cototape, magnetic tape, maple wood frame 109 x 63 x 7 cm.
private collection

Le Désespéré, 2015

newspapers, cototape, magnetic tape, maple wood frame 109 x 63 x 7 cm.
private collection

Untitled, 2015

newspaper NRC-Handelsblad, cardboard, canvas-tape, phosphorescent tape,
95 x 65 cm.

Cinnabar, 2011

Inkjet print on Hahnemühle 308 gr (acid free, cotton based paper) Digital source: 38268 x 54331 pixels 324 x 460 cm (size variable)


Cinnabar, Het Torentje, Almelo, 2011
Present Future, Rob Johannesma & Roma,Turino, 2011
Herfsttij van het modernisme, De Vleeshal, Middelburg, 2011 Autumn of Modernism II, Temporary Gallery, Cologne, 2012
Differenza e Ripetizione, Galleria Lia Rumma, Napels, 2012

World-Wielding, 2012

Inkjet print on Hahnemühle 308 gr (acid free, cotton based paper) Digital source: 38268 x 54331 pixels 324 x 680 cm (size variable)


World-Wielding, ar/ge kunst Galerie Museum, Bolzano, catalogus Spots of Time, 2012
2012 World-Wielding, Marino Marini Museum, Florence
Abstract Myths, Nest, Den Haag

World-Wielding, 2012

180 x 290 cm.


Shivelights And Shadowtackle(part I), Galerie Ron Mandos, Amsterdam, 2015
seven x seven, Albada Jelgersma Gallery, Amsterdam, 2020
Rob Johannesma all rights reserved 2024